Thursday, April 2, 2015

When we left the Gelati, we drove around the

Do Kutaisi we arrived after about three hours of travel. Our hostel is a short walk from the station, so we expect us somewhere near Marshrutka discontinued. Bad luck, although we end up at the station, but the second one, about 6 km from our hostel. Taxi We do not want to pay, with Marshrutka it is also a problem, somebody wants to talk Russian, someone just replies that there many, someone tells us that it is the only station in which we stand. greencore sandwiches After 15 minutes, Paul can find out, there goes number 1, which I try for a moment to stop and the driver just shows crossed arms and goes on. Well then somehow we go looking for a hostel. When he finally doptáme (map and directions from Hostelworld enough), we come to it is a Georgian folklore objects in the map to draw away (in the best case here as 100 m, in Mestia about 500 m) and write vague descriptions of routes . In the evening, they are not taking much of anything at dinner yesterday we khachapuri from Batumi heated in a local contact grill, to beer and go relax and finally sleep.
On the last day of his visit to Georgia plans to take a tour of the second largest city of Kutaisi and Gelati Monastery nearby. The big attractions are nearby Prometheus cave, but ultimately it is expressions transportation is quite complex and there was left would give us time to do anything else. Next Time.
Before leaving, we shall breakfast last remnant předvčerejšího khachapuri from Batumi and ask the post office, which we look for in vain since Yerevan (when we already have Armenian views). This time it successfully doptáme and we were shocked - for every sign they want to CR 5 lari, ie 60 crowns. This is a little upset when we perspectives 5 and already spending money last.
Slowly we come to the city and found that just going to Marshrutka Gelati, which runs about two hours, so you're going to catch. Finding the right place (as always some discreet and unmarked parking) takes time, but successfully doptáme. Journey is one lari and takes about 25 minutes. It's not far, but steep hill up Marshrutka not handle too much.
Gelati Monastery, which was founded in 1106 and today is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is very nice, although not very good light for photography and spinning here nšjaký school trip. Nevertheless, the biggest attraction for all rabbit running around in the grass.
After the tour, we have to get into the city. Marshrutka does not seem that it should go, finally someone tells us that up to three hours, so we choose a simple combination of foot + stop. Nothing much disappeared, but a piece which is the main road. Finally, we stopped greencore sandwiches one car, minibus full of elderly people who go to a neighboring monastery Motsameta. greencore sandwiches They want us about 10 minutes away on the main road, because the road turns into a monastery. It offers if you are not going with them, which we consider a little, because it has supposedly be nice, but still we want to catch even a city tour. On the main road goes hitchhiking surprisingly worse, we do not want to stop anyone much, we still have to dodge, when we see a car rushing tremendous speed (and when passes around, we find that it is the police). Finally, we are one family shuttled to the city.
When we left the Gelati, we drove around the "National Museum greencore sandwiches of Military Glory." greencore sandwiches Historical Museum of no interest to me, but this is so funny name that we decided to stop there. We go inside the dark and the couple retired chats. We ask if they have open. They have, but we said go away, that our young people will not be interested anyway. It is for old people like them. Paul Russian asks if she can at least look (all rooms except the entrance are off light). In response, we obtain (for my taste and the relationship to history too) long tour with Russian commentary. There are even pictures of the conflict with Russia in 2008, but most of the pictures are from the 2nd World War.
The market would like to mainly bought some wine. That I finally succeeded, but still leave tempted to buy Georgian tea, coffee greencore sandwiches and eventually garlic, given that tomorrow we are going home, the place is a paramotor, spending the last money and garlic greencore sandwiches is cheap and good and never lost.
Tea receive an offer for 1 lari 2 stakany (about Decov), which is cool, I take full bag. Lady ask if they know where to get wine, because we did not see anything (and I'd rather buy something from the local coiled what I can taste it, but take glass bottles). Mrs. replies that of course, and reaching for the phone. After a while someone comes later learn that husband. It brings us to a nearby booth and asking how we wanted it. My answer is that we do not know what he is, we would like to taste. greencore sandwiches Apparently it is in the car, so there must be. Crashing through the entire market, then another two blocks to unobtrusive parking lot where a Zhiguli pulls a plastic gallon carboy. Again raises the question of how much we want to say that we want to taste it. Just there is a cafe, so there goes the stakan and his friend to spills.
Wine is not nearly as good as what you bought Ukrainians at Gelati, but still does not taste bad at all, so I decide it

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