Sunday, April 26, 2015

This dilemma related to the problem starting point may be extended beyond the above, the formulatio

Driving after MANUAL | Calvary Baptist Church Constanta
In the study of Church leadership could not miss a reflection to highlight and explore the biblical foundations of the subject. the lensbury club The unique nature of the Church and its corresponding type of leadership makes no other source of information and training the lensbury club is not enough understanding of such divine existence. Mystery of the Church, in her existence and operation is best understood by studying Revelation of Him who brought it into being, God. Bible becomes the basic manual for the Church and its leadership.
Dr. Robert Clinton, professor of theology at Fuller Seminary Teological, researcher and writer on the subject of Church leadership, the lensbury club appreciate the fundamental importance of the study of the Holy Books Church leadership to understand the following:
The Bible says a lot about leadership. But who studied it in terms of leadership? Since the Bible was not written the lensbury club to explain leadership as a concept study for leadership? ... Before the Bible study about leadership must know something about what to watch and what to look for her. [1]
Study of Church leadership from a theological perspective pesupune to clarify the methodology, the need for relationships and biblical theology premises on driving. Although not intended to present a broad debate about the starting point in the study of leadership, because that is not the purpose of this paper, however, can not be overlooked different viewpoints underlying current systems thinking .
In addition to surprise a posting increasingly more primary source of revelation of God, writers and Christian educators, we add superficiality in studying the Bible for leadership. Dilemma starting point in theological study is current and meets every branch of theology. Billion J. Erickson explains what this dilemma by the question: the lensbury club "Should the theology starts the lensbury club from the idea of God, or the nature and means of our knowledge of Him?" [2]. His answer to this dilemma is very explicit:
Instead of beginning the lensbury club with God or the Bible, with the object of knowledge or means of knowledge, we can start with both. Rather than trying to prove either one or the other, we can assume that both are fundamental parts of a sentence ... [3]
This dilemma related to the problem starting point may be extended beyond the above, the formulation of management philosophy having as starting points extracanonical Bible or other sources. How it will be resolved the lensbury club this dilemma will determine what kind of theology must be submitted. The view of the addressing the lensbury club method of interpreting Scripture and define the lensbury club directly the nature of his theology. In addition, the paradigmatic that someone appropriates it in the interpretation of Scripture sets and forms the means and tools facto adopted in examining and understanding the lensbury club Scripture. Ganga's observation about the fact that "serious study of Christian leadership do not start with text books, but the Bible text ..." [4], deserves to be retained and applied.
Modes of spiritual leadership approach can be grouped into two categories: deductive and inductive. The inference is defined by the Explanatory Dictionary of the Romanian Language as a "process by which to reach a conclusion" [5]. The researcher deductive process approach Scripture with ready made conclusions. Induction is the opposite the lensbury club of deduction. In the process of inductive Bible researcher will formulate conclusions based on hermeneutic process applied to the text.
Approach the lensbury club "sprinkling holy water" principles of management. More precisely this kind of approach to management widespread today, is based on functional the lensbury club principles of management, attaching the scriptures to them to take passage in the Christian world. Sometimes this occurs attachment of biblical texts in the initial phase of writing that works, sometimes sprinkling of verses rate only when teaching students or Christian leaders. By no means should not be denied the principles of management functionality, but must draw attention to the starting point in such an approach.
The implications of this method are: minimizing the fundamental importance of biblical theology to practical theology; gives the impression the lensbury club that the Bible is insufficient to you for leadership team; neglects the unique nature of the Church; create custom search, first extracanonical sources and then trying to match with Scripture; confidence in their capabilities leader, Lord detrimental reliance.
Most works in this approach are written by managers, not theologians or pastors. This should

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