Monday, April 6, 2015

You say, it

Or here is an example recent disasters speed train in Germany, where many people were killed just because the train was classic solid chassis and derailment zpříčily cars crashed into each other and caused so much misery. In France, high-speed train, the TGV, where you take advantage of this feature. They did not classic gerbable chassis with fixed axles under the wagons, but they gave a chassis with wheels between gerbable carriages. At a speed of 380 km / h train derailed, rippling like a snake along the tracks in a zigzag manner and caused extensive gerbable damage to passengers and nothing happened .. How simple and ingenious use of the logic of nature. The steep hill cycling too zigzag !!!! It's lighter than straight !!!!! Enough examples, back to the water. In the examples and their understanding begins with the doctrine of implosive technique, sometimes gerbable also called reversible engineering. Here we see how the water is brilliant. Water has for our organism very important and irreplaceable role that cleans us, detoxifies and gives us energy. Nothing but only pure spring water. Each person should drink at least three liters a day of spring water, repeat, clean water, and should not be health problems, which the majority of humanity has. As a rule, what you've entered it, it was too clean.
You say, it's not nothing strange, each of us drink every day some amount of fluid and well most of us are sick, we have different stones (gall bladder, kidney etc.), clogged arteries, fossilized brain, osteoporosis, arthritis, cholesterol, angina gerbable pectoris , hardening of the arteries and veins, and many others, it is these issues that are brought gerbable upon ourselves that we do not drink clean water. Again argue that you drink enough and thus suffer equally. What you do here actually saying.
Let's another gerbable way. Ask yourself this question with me. Imagine that during the day, drink a liter of milk or tea, a liter of beer and a liter of mineral water sweetened. How much do you think you drink clean water? Answer gerbable three liters so what's going on. But I must tell you that, and now well-read, please, you did not drink an ounce of water. It is a shock, right? It is so, a gram of water. And that's why you have health problems that I named above. When you drink clean water, gerbable or highly structured water, none of these diseases would likely did not affect you. Does that seem unreal and too easy. I told you that simplicity is beauty and genius, right? Do you remember? gerbable
Let me at this point, I will reiterate my point that I long ago learned from wise people and share it already too. And think of him, "On the elementary, middle and high school and we have brainwashed us into thinking unlearned" (it is meant in relation gerbable to the laws of the universe gerbable and nature), your opinion may be, of course, gerbable completely different. Nobody gerbable do not buy his own views has the right to their own opinion and free will decision. Scientists once in France, made the following experiment. We will mention it now. Attempting participated in 20 people with energy gerbable deficiency. Weighed on accurate digital scale, which was after the decimal point two places. All weighed, say, for better counting, exactly 100.00 kg. Everyone drank 10 minutes 1 l some seasonings (a quart of milk, beer, tea, lemonade, juice, gerbable mineral water, coffee, juice etc.). For a certain time interval going back on the scale and each weighed 101.00 kg. (Of course, nobody went to the toilet). You say, that's logical.
The second day of the same people again weighing 100.00 kg drink every 10 minutes 1 liter of pure spring water, 4 C, after the same time interval all weighed again. And they weighed gerbable between 100.30 to 100.40 kg. What happened to the rest. From 0.6 to 0.7 liters of water? Here's your answer, body deposited only part of the water and the rest was used for immediate conversion into energy. Water dematerialized (converted gerbable to energy - in school we learned that dematerialization and materialization there is that matter can not dematerialize, so you can see it does). Even explanation 6x compressed matter and energy is 6x decompressed matter is energy, but it will not be addressed here is another gerbable albeit very interesting area. I will add, if someone dying of thirst in the desert and was totally arid and called by the water; and you would have given him one liter of clean water 4 C so that man would not have taken on a whole gram or liter could be dematerialized in energy and on would have five minutes to get up and leave it on your own, but be careful if you give him one liter of any seasonings (coca cola, beer, milk), so you would have killed him !!! These cases are known. But today it is a problem to get clean water. Ask ourselves, what now. Any purchases in the store drinks and drinks mainly mineral water. In doing so, he thinks for a body made the best .. Everywhere we advertise in advertisements that we see daily. But be aware that the human body can not use such treated drinks just do without gerbable side effects on our health. Remember that frequent drinking mineral water within themselves saving all inorganic substances contained in minerálkách. Mineral water is a drug and should you have to drink more than three weeks in the year, not more. The body is unable to use inorganic substances brand

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