Monday, April 20, 2015

Proposal shown to promote a citizen platform. We solicit input and suggestions from anyone who is i

The last days are producing events for mayor of our town that seem unnatural, and I will explain. The municipal group of ERC has mutilated, at least early in the current mayor, and if not go right or wrong. Must be evaluated very seriously and this fact has been disastrous, was a suspense those who must repeat the course, those who have no option possible recovery. The dirt should be washed indoors. Politics is a tool to work and work honestly for a people, and events as being the last day event in La Garriga not collaborate with the cause. Be mature and believe, and walk towards a good milestone popular and acts like we are living sober.
Fuck with the news this week gives us the newspaper "Segre" Lleida. It turns out that Mr. Mayor of Fulleda (Carlos Gabarró) and its gup Convergence and Union (the Charles, the Gili -regidor of Urbanisme- and Eugene) is licensed and illegal construction, subsequently reclassified the land to fix the shed (should have nose !!!). Convergence and Union, because the action of the Lord Mayor has been supported wholly owned by the federation, starting with the president of the Regional Council, must have something to say about this not be afraid? Do not worry, no, we are able to present the same team in the upcoming municipal building lemonade jar was constructed and, while they destroy and destroy the harmony between the people of the town. And then you put spoon in wind farms does not know when the minimum standards of urban ... Or does that knows and knows that there is a game behind, Tell federation of Convergence and Union, which supports all cacicades to exchange for another mayoral true ???? The news came as a "Segre": declare illegal the license for a house Fulleda gave the mayor built a farmhouse, later reclassified as developable 20-03-07 08:30 - The Court Administrative contention No. 1 Lleida is canceled the licenses granted Fulleda City Hall between 1998 and 2003, the Mayor, Carles Gabarró (CiU), lemonade jar to construct a building on a rural property in the municipality. The ruling, which estimates partially appeal by a Planning Policy 2004 states that do not fit right permits and requires the corporation to review them. The Court considers that the council resolution authorizing an agricultural warehouse (which does not require the approval of the Planning Commission), while the mayor build "a residential style building in undeveloped land," so the council "omitted an essential lemonade jar budget, such as the issuance of a mandatory and binding report" Urban Planning. Planning approved the 2006 urban development plan (POUM) of Fulleda qualifies as residential lemonade jar building land area which includes the farmhouse where the mayor was constructed building. At 12:56, Anonymous lemonade jar said ...
Proposal shown to promote a citizen platform. We solicit input and suggestions from anyone who is interested. ATTENTION !!! This proposed platform outside parties. Are invited all citizens regardless of their ideology. To make your contributions are invited to participate in the Forum PEOPLE UP lesson! Platform citizens against fraud policy. lemonade jar Top of Lliça citizens: People lemonade jar of all political sensitivities are outraged with the agreements that have been perpetrated against our nature City, guided more by personal interests not to seek the progress of our people. That is why we are made in the margin of the Civic Platform party. The objectives of this platform are: -Make intensive monitoring of government action to control not stop projects that are underway and new projects are suited to the progress of our people and not their own. -We Are willing to avoid us as we find a municipality lemonade jar in bankruptcy. Which services lemonade jar all paid not degrade but improve. -The Vast majority lemonade jar of citizens Lliça Up, and they arrive, we live here for the natural environment. Many have been looking for quality of life in a village. Now we do not want the town trenches allowing the installation of industries anarchically around the town or the expansion of residential areas for the enrichment of a few, as happen in the past. -Instar The militancy of the parties to clean the profiteers who kidnap their initials for their own benefit. Please activists and supporters to mobilize and make out undesirable "careerists". To achieve the objectives of the lesson Platform UP! we propose, among other things: -A

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