Thursday, May 28, 2015

2009 (5) June (5) Is it working political communication in the Balkans ... INFLUENCE OF MEDIA O

2009 (5) June (5) Is it working political communication in the Balkans ... INFLUENCE OF MEDIA ON SOCIETY AND BACK ethical cool room responsibility cool room MEDIA CODE CODE OF SOCIETY cool room duty and responsibility of performances - today chaired MEDIA ...
To talk about the ethical responsibility of the media, primarily must know the ethical responsibility of journalists, because cool room they are ones who create media reality in a society. Well, because cool room almost everyone has something to say about journalistic ethics. People who are subjects of news stories often complain that journalists operate in an ethical void, trample on people's privacy, play with the truth. News professionals themselves to proclaim their fidelity to proper, but most of the news organizations operate with few or some formal ethical guidelines. Consumers of news - the audience - rely on journalists cool room to obtain cool room information, but are skeptical about the professional ethics of journalists. This collage of posts also affects journalistic education. Students hope to enter the journalism business and told them that ethical standards are paramount, but then they learn in practice that defined laws with short duration. But still most of the issues related to ethics begin with "It depends." Ethics involves defining the individual, organizational and social values that are morally acceptable, and use these values as the basis of human behavior. Morality refers to a specific behavior that is socially acceptable, while ethics faces criteria by which decisions about what is right and what is wrong. The primary approaches are based on ethics teleological or deontological principles. Teleological based on how well it is produced, cool room but the most important is the analysis of ethical behavior. Ethical decision is the one that makes the greatest balance of what is good and what is bad. Deontology cool room lies the premise that human beings are obliged to treat others cool room with dignity simply because they are people. Based on this humanistic approach, people have a duty to respect the rights of other people. A good example of deontoloshkoto razmiluvanje Declaration of Human Rights. This document guarantees certain human rights should not be violated by others. Whether an act is in violation of these rights - the primary factor to evaluate cool room is whether it is ethical. In journalism, teleological approach is sometimes rejected because it requires predicting the result. Professor cool room of Journalism - Herbert Strentz, suggests that the discussion of news reports should be based on issues of accuracy and context, cool room rather than the imagined consequences: "One of the hardest lessons for journalists to learn that in decisions on whether to cover an event or issue, the possible consequences of such coverage are among the smallest reliable criteria for decision making. "The journalist, to be moral, cool room one should cool room not be concerned cool room with poginatite with wars efforts, but with the effort to gather and disseminate information. Surely, when accepted principles of receiving the distributed information, we will be getting another whole event. John Stuart Mill would have advised that ethical decision novninarstvoto is based on evaluation of alternative acts determininacija, cool room which will result in a number of goods. Immanuel Kant would suggest that the best tests for evaluating the ethics Particulate Act and to determine whether the principles of the act which it is based can be applied universally. Identifying the values on which system of ethics should be built is not a simple task, but necessary. Without establishing a set of common values, decision makers are forced to evaluate issues based on case - by - case basis. The system of values provided grounds for ethical behavior. Michael Josefsson founder cool room of the Institute for Ethics, identifies ten "universal cool room and timeless" values that are esencionalni in ethical life. These values should be respected by journalists, and they are: Honesty Integrity Keeping promise Honesty Faithfulness caring of others Respect others responsible citizen craving for perfection Responsibility If journalists respect these rules and respect the code of journalists, the results will be visible. Ethics must be respected by all parties, journalists and editors cool room to political media. To be ethical and media to correctly played their part, should as far as possible to escape cool room from the clutches of politics and business interests and is trying to become a real service for the citizens who provides timely and accurate information, which citizens will

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