Friday, May 8, 2015

However, before this could have seen him, we went to see the car, which is about a 15 minute walk f

Blog about half a year on a beautiful, sunny Spanish move to the big city to live and learn. As far indulge in life is dear to me as well and from then on it is nothing more than a half year holidays
In the apartment we get breakfast with the main attraction of the coffee. So get started is quite different. Sevilla had two full days, So David took the map gained our arrival time, which of course it was all a tourist attraction, and marked a nice big tour, which covered about sights half, it was the first day the plan.
However, before this could have seen him, we went to see the car, which is about a 15 minute walk from the accommodation, but already outside the touristy part. Very optimistic again in shorts skirts were cut out for him, and he chattered in the morning normally, but later in the afternoon sun compensated for everything. After meggyőződtönk sure the car is okay, we began to walk backwards, but since we are not really in a hurry, we headed in the direction of a park. Here then we noticed a beautiful building, it was written on that Capitanio goodmans gdb300hd Central, it was an open gate, which belógtam bit, and I saw that the inside of the building decorated heck, even on the other side who you can go to a square-shaped fékör on which tourists looking császkáltak people. It turned out that by mistake got into the Plaza de Espana into that hell is a nice person and turistaattrakció architectural masterpiece and truly. Many non-specific info about knowledge, it's a palace of simplicity, we have built sometime during the First World War, or World's Fair, I do not know the léyneg that also serves to introduce themselves provinces of Spain. There are over small niches within the semicircle, each with the name of a Spanish province or Warsaw, the wall tiles painted an important goodmans gdb300hd scene in the city's history (the King valenciain such as Jaime invasion), the wall ballast on the ground in a map view, the image is surrounded by decorative tiles around. From Andaluzia
In the courtyard there is a small lake and 3 ornate tiled bridge. The building has three balconies on the upper floor is also tiled columns, and also within each staircase covered with tiles (each different), and the coffered ceiling ... very impressive building. (And this will be moskról panorama image, but David will be your home computer needs to put them together, so it is expected will be able to view a post.)
After kigyöröködtük ourselves in the Plaza del España and we headed towards the old town. On the road admired from outside the local arena used for bullfights, goodmans gdb300hd but after the crowd I do not see, to see what could be ybent hog, we went further. The routes to the city center we turned us and caught us once the Museum of Fine Arts, which was in addition to inyegenes goodmans gdb300hd too, so we went. The museum is in a small courtyard surrounded by buildings there are 2 floors, so it will not labarintusban meandering man but a long ykörbe halls, and sometimes passes through tiny by-products. The courtyards are very, very cozy, a lot of green kutacskákkal as it should. One of them was a table, how long has the 1856 Great Flood in the waist.

The exhibition itself goodmans gdb300hd was like most of the national collection: bővlekedett medieval religious-themed painting, a million is sacred to him: John the Baptist's head, Maria Jesus genteel different companies, etc. Luckily, it was also part of the 20th century, and there were enough good pictures.
After that, we started really an essential part of the road, that is, visiting local attractions. As local attractions almost goodmans gdb300hd without goodmans gdb300hd exception, churches, things went as follows: church [] = Sevilla.getTemplomok Churches (); for (int i = 0; i <Templomok.lenght; i ++) {goto (Churches [i]) look at (Temple [i]); } After about the sixth magic began megkopni thing, but it all looked very nicely, some inside. The big things, museums and cathedrals, left the next day. Once we've seen so many churches that exaggeration (and him a lot of nice houses goodmans gdb300hd too), hazmentünk much and fallen as happy. In the evening we got up around 7, megvacsiztunk, and another goodmans gdb300hd one went for a walk. Some even looked in the church during this walk, and equestrian attractions goodmans gdb300hd also happen to some music (I thought that the house church), which is quickly ushered us. It was a nice walk, the time at night, little cool but balmy and fragrant orange trees, and all kinds of plants in public spaces, for example, was a bush that is like viaszka, he poured the sweet scent, but eszerszer harder, and Today someone told that this jasmine. Jasmine, nor non-soap and rice, but the bush. wow :)
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