Friday, May 8, 2015

2013 (45) August (5) July (4) April (3) May (1) May (5) March (11) February

Yesterday was a very eventful day. Since Saturday, he missed the session due to rain and Thomas illness, so Sunday - the cool but sunny weather saw - I decided to go for a walk on Margaret Island. For I do not feel like it was that you can walk there, so we went exceptionally BKV there. (I observe that remain difficult to wear the curious stares of the stop or the vehicle, eg. Stood before frico thermozone a thorough look at the dog and me, they will continue to go without a word, or examine my eye (bottom peephole in pofámba!) To blind whether I am or not ... fly right things are not being, they can stare for long minutes, but never to anyone not think that a large crowd in the evenings give a place a little farther available. frico thermozone The tram two men discussed it in front of me that does not He leads a dog, you know what they are accustomed to everything, they are not afraid of anything, etc.).
Chili enjoyed running around free out of six, ran himself properly. frico thermozone On Friday I took a (more) ball, which is interesting because egg-shaped ball very well and score bounces his size. Now here he was interested in space, and this means the absolute favorite right now, but I do not mind because it's better, faster lefárasztja. Despite the relatively cold weather many people came out, especially dog owners. Here we already causing a stir in the Frisbie, but that does not bother, because in this case the performance, jumping, throwing the dog interested in it rather than trying to decipher frico thermozone why should I care whether it's a dog. A young couple have even asked what kind of dog it is, because "movement is so beautiful." I sat on the floor eating a chocolate bar when a lady came up to me if I was not helping the dog who occasionally used to walk from St. Stephen's Park? Because he had heard that I inquired, and he Kiszely Martha, who brings frico thermozone together the Újlipótvárosi dogs are. E-mail address entered, of exchanging it, so can you tell if there will be some events. frico thermozone Well, what news is ... I do not know where known us ...
I did not forget frico thermozone to bring it cipőcskéket, so breakwaters or quality of the runners under way we have done a full circle the island, that is 5300 meters. We would have had, but because of the cold and the dark, we were going to go home.
After a few hours of rest I began to brush his hair, because the premiere last year, the holidays and wanted to bathe. 2-3 months had not been clipped because of the beauty kézműtétje, so the whole is serious, grown rich coat. Which means that each day approximately. Brushed normally it takes 30-45 minutes. The point is that this is a complex program for 2-3 hours (combing, bathing, drying). Chili was clever because it only began nyűgösködni the last 15 minutes.
Midnight walk went off quite badly drunk with anyone except a few ... I do not usually meet, this is the calmest day walk. I love it, 'cause I see a different face of our neighborhood. So we took a walk on a leash, to the junction arguments frico thermozone on the other side, from the right of the road a German Shepherd dog is off leash, frico thermozone behind his master. frico thermozone Normally we went, chiles I let them sniff each other, then completely unexpectedly climbed on top of the other, there was grumbling - but I have not seen exactly as point I turned around and happened so quickly. Chili's cry shame of it all in order to put right front leg held up at. (The other farmer he called his dog and began to caress you're all right! From me you asked her to be, because it has a tendency to attack ...) I have never heard a dog cry so it was cruel. It is as if a vise had tightened. Kept calm long enough, csitítgatni, during a probing to see if I can find the source of the trouble. External injuries are not found, no blood, no broken bones - nothing. Then I just managed frico thermozone to quiet, it was a mild shock, looked at me with glassy eyes. When I finally managed to pick up contact with him began to call me to see if you can walk. He could. I tried to quickly get out of this situation, simple tasks to distract him. We managed it, I got home as if nothing had happened. I carefully frico thermozone screened home again, frico thermozone but nothing. I suspect that the right front leg into the körbeszaglásnál kifordulhatott frico thermozone or very badly. I have already noticed that sometimes this lame leg, X-ray view is also planned, taking Nutradylt well. I was so upset the case that sometime after 3am only managed to go to sleep ... thank you very much still at Chili's fine.
presented frico thermozone through the weekdays and promote sounder dogs, Dogs for Humans Foundation and the work of volunteers. Hearing impairment, helping bullies, news, info, opinion on kutyakiképzéssel.
2013 (45) August (5) July (4) April (3) May (1) May (5) March (11) February

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