Saturday, May 30, 2015

** Mustafa Pasha, rooms cool the builder of one of the most beautiful rooms cool mosques in Skopje,

fasting will first show free of old photos of Aqueduct that can be found on the net ... further I will show new photos of aqueduct found on the net ... will display and three YouTube videos aqueduct ... so there for now ... I'll show you how to find aqueduct ... processed through google image ... I will give the exact location using the google Maps ... at the end of the text will give packed story aqueduct from multiple sources. .. I will linking all relevant sources that can be found on the net ... short excerpt ... finally in another post I will do a photo story only from my old photos ... already recorded from time ... apdejtiram time you post interesting new links to appear in the meantime ...
Akvadukt - Sintezis 1
Aqueduct 1. 2. 3. Slovenian Boulevard Macedonian Brigade Kosovska Adriatic Highway 4. 5. 6. Serava Movchan the American Embassy Calais 7. 8. 9. Mustafa Pasha Mosque Skupi - Archaeological 10. Marshal Tito Barracks (former) ... Now I do not know how to cry 11. Railroad to Tetovo and Kosovo 12. Toopana rooms cool 13. Stock Momin Potok 14. Hubo Market 15. City Park 16. 17. Pole Topansko Vizbegovo
** According to some, is built in VI century during the reign of Justinian water supply of the new city Justiniana Prima, and according to others in the XV century, during the reign of Isa Bey and Mustafa Pasha. In 1669 travel writer Dr. Brown wrote that "aqueduct is a beautiful old building that this place brings a lot of respect." Historians cite the famous chronicler of the reign of Justinian Procopius, according to which water supply was built between 527 to 565 years. It is believed that due to the similarity with the technique of building an aqueduct rooms cool with Kurshumli - An in Skopje, he was not from the Byzantine period, it was built in the XV century. the number of its arcs, claimed that the number was 200, and 60, and the number 55 nail is seen in the Encyclopedia of fine arts published in Zagreb in 1960. through the aqueduct was carried water from the spring in the village Lavovec deaf to Skopje Montenegro to "topdzhiskata barracks," Mustafa Pasha Mosque, the former Turkish ukjumat bullet -ane Sija Bey Mosque.
** According to some researchers rooms cool is that while other Roman Byzantine construction. According to these opinions he was associated with Skupi and enabled water to be brought from Skopje Montenegro. now with high reliability it can be argued that it was built in the period of slavery under the Turks in the 16th century, when Skopje rooms cool starts with intensive rooms cool construction of baths and mosques whose construction and operation requires large amounts of clean water. Through the aqueduct water was piped from captured sources in Skopje Montenegro.
** Mustafa Pasha, rooms cool the builder of one of the most beautiful rooms cool mosques in Skopje, built in 1492, built and plumbing. data for the creation of water supply we find in vakafnameto Foundation 'Mustafa Pasha dated 11.26.1514 with year. 55 storey arch overhead pipelines that rely on massive pillars with a square base 42 opened to facilitate the mass wall 386 meters in length with the application heap of construction material with different tonality is achieved extraordinary picturesque building ... ** If you then know the system the connected vessels would not have such aqueducts
** Six out of ten respondents know that people in the vicinity of Skopje aqueduct there, but do not know exactly where or how to reach it, the survey showed that "time" yesterday made between citizens of Skopje. From the Tourist Association of Skopje said lack of accessible and marked path to the aqueduct is the main reason why he is forgotten by visitors. When in 1986 he prepared the tourist guide for Skopje, who made the commission did not want it to describe rooms cool aqueduct. It would be disinformation because tourists will never be able to visit because of inaccessibility. City Association of Architects rooms cool designed rooms cool a project for conservation and commercial revitalization of the area around the aqueduct a few years ago was sent to Konzervatorniot rooms cool center of Skopje.
** Aqueduct & Synthesis - Aqueduct is ready wonderful rooms cool archaeological site - cultural product that has no adequate place in the tourist offer in Skopje due to centuries rooms cool of neglect rooms cool of Skopje Aqueduct ... The last Avaduktot was treated in the Skopje earthquake th '63 - when repaired three arches and two pillars that fell from the earthquake itself Aqueduct's location beside the barracks, "Marsal Tito", ie behind it - towards Kacanik ... the road to Pristina is barely 150 meters ... even one spot from the road seen ... Now if you want to go to the aqueduct is best to go by the new alignment of Slovenian Butel -Chair and when you get to the bridge of Serava to turn left - after liquid

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