Saturday, May 2, 2015

When? Whenever sétáltathatjuk our dog, but it is given to the possibility of shedding at least 8 ho

When is how much? The early as 6-8 weeks of age, puppies glass demijohn are separated from their mothers. Tejtáplálásról the transition to solid foods gradually, not suddenly become. If your puppy is already pre-weaning time consuming solid food, it can more easily adapt to the intestinal tract. After separation, the puppy (cow) milk is not advisable to give because it is easy fermentation, bloating and diarrhea, and even seldom milk allergy can cause. The puppies 3 months old up to 5 times per day you could get victuals and a half years of age, 3 times a day, one year of age 2 times a day, and later may have been appropriate once-daily meals as well. The total is reached, kifejlettség koplalónapot once weekly may be incorporated, glass demijohn which is mainly suggest obesity-prone dogs. Food is not always in front of the dog, and even what you do not eat it in 15 minutes, glass demijohn I can safely take from him. It is important that the feeding always takes place in the larger movement, play, walk after. Intense movement on a full stomach easy bolt-threatening stomach may occur. The amount of food is always the dog's condition and the extent of current needs given. Room-temperature water should always keep in front of the dog. In case of illness keserűtea also be warm. The liquid supplement intake of legumes and soups are also suitable.
What? The compilation of homegrown food can be resolved, glass demijohn but the factory and canned diets can be added to our dogs. The church still dirt and protein köretből stand. At a young age, pregnant animals and certain diseases can be 30-40% protein in addition glass demijohn to the garnish. Adults age 20-30% protein had more than enough food in the sky. In some patients we just open up a little protein. Protein sources are especially animal protein sources come into heat-treated, although plant proteins can be added (eg. Soy). Never give uncooked animal protein. As a source of animal protein glass demijohn in all kinds of boiled meat (poultry, beef, pork, horse, rabbit, lamb, game), dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese), boiled eggs and fish can be with his wife. Serve cooked rice, pasta, vegetable dishes, steamed vegetables, cereals, puffed rice, bakery and household biscuits, crackers, fruit, cooked potatoes may well be. The house is not spicy fare. The factory tápokból, canned dog from childhood, based on his size we can choose according to your purse. Dry worth some liquid diets, soup be exposed to wet, to avoid bloating of the stomach them. The semi-moist diets and canned food worth megmelengetni, no way be cold.
What do you do? Clearly not beneficial to give bone. If you are fed bone, put it after feeding. More preferably, the meat was supplied to the bony side dish, but in this case not in large quantities. Bone-in meat can no earlier than 3-4 months of age, but in this day and age will recommend the change to facilitate more-bone (eg. Beef leg) gnawing. Breaking splintered and sharp (ie. Upper arm poultry) and can be swallowed bones together (eg. Pork vertebrae) do not give. Older dog bones in small quantities, be administered with caution, since in this case the intestinal function are weaker and often the teeth are not perfect. Large quantities of bones anyway younger animals also can cause constipation, so this is definitely to be avoided. The puppies love to take a variety of foreign objects in their mouths, these are dangerous, they can swallow. The ingested small game, gravel, chestnut, walnut, apricot kernels easily can cause intestinal obstruction. The chewed blanket, fabric from yarn, thread, string easily glass demijohn filing the intestines. Walking
How many times? Puppies will not be any street for a walk or take some other place where you can meet dogs until there is adequate protection against major dog diseases. To obtain an immune status vaccinations should be given according to the puppy vaccination program is well defined. Optimally, which started 6-8 weeks of age vaccination series glass demijohn with 12-14 weeks of age may be applied glass demijohn for the first time puppy for a walk. Walk your dog every time I can every day, but to carry out the things your dog at least three times a day is advisable. Held in the garden or in the garden deserves dog is definitely worth a walk.
When? Whenever sétáltathatjuk our dog, but it is given to the possibility of shedding at least 8 hours. It is important to always be at the meal after the walk. Where? Ideal for walks in nature, if it is not easily accessible, the natural green zones kutyasétáltatókat, parks to visit. Epidemiological point of view, it is important to clean up the droppings. We must not let our dogs with other dog droppings, foreign objects or pick puddle to drink. Busy place it is important to use the leash. Use of the vehicles muzzle is compulsory. Smaller dogs tend to use the harness better, bigger body to the collar glass demijohn is ideal. The collar is good to have a phone number, a name the lost ear tags

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