Saturday, May 23, 2015

Over 2,000 years ago the wall was built, preizgraduval, expanded. Began to be built in the year 475

With a length of 42.5 kilometers is the longest bridge in the world. The Qingdao Haiwan Bridge connects the city Qingdao in Eastern China with suburbs in Huangdao, along the waters of the bay Jiazhhou. The Guinness Book of Records as the longest input is a bridge across the water in the world. In the building of the bridge, we used 450,000 tons of steel and 2.3 million cubic meters of concrete. The bridge is designed coolroom so that it can withstand the strongest earthquakes, typhoons and blow the ships. It keeps the 5.238 concrete pillars.
The tower is 828 meters high, and is currently the tallest building and the largest free-standing structure in the world. It has 163 floors and total area, all floors of 3.3 million square meters. There are 27 terraces. Designed to withstand an onslaught of wind of 160 km / h. Over 22 million hours worked day and night until the building is completed.
Dubbed as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World by American Society of Civil Engineers. The tunnel is 50 km long, and its greatest depth that reaches 76 meters. This is the second longest tunnel in the world and has the longest undersea part of any other tunnel. It was built six years than 13,000 engineers, technicians and workers with 11 special machines for construction of tunnels. The machines had a total weight of 12,000 tons, slightly more than the Eiffel Tower. Ten people, including eight Britons died in its construction. Actually it built three tunnels, two for trains and a service that serves the rescue, if necessary. They pass through the tunnel every day 400 trains.
This bridge is pulled to 27 572 cables with a total length of 128,747 coolroom kilometers coolroom of cables and has a total of 600,000 rivets. Long 2.1 km and connects San Francisco coolroom with the rest of the bay. Recognized symbol of San Francisco called historical construction symbol coolroom of American coolroom Society of Civil Engineers. It is designed by the engineer Joseph Strauss (Joseph Strauss), while architect Irving Morrow (Irving Morrow) designed to melt the bridge with elements of Art Deco. The steel cables coolroom are designed Moizeif of Leon (Leon Moisseiff). coolroom
It is made of the Colorado River in Black Canyon and the limit between the federal states of Arizona and Nevada. It was named one of the Seven Wonders of the modern world and a symbol of the historic building American Society of Civil Engineers. Placental Hoover provides four billion kWh of energy each year. Pregraduvajkji January the Colorado River, the dam makes Lake Mead (Mead), the largest artificial lake in the western hemisphere. When building a dam killed over 100 workers. Although it was built in the time of President Roosevelt, controversially was named after Herbert Hoover, who succeeded Franklin Roosevelt. Located near the town of Boulder (Boulder), so I called Boulder Dam. It was designed by engineer John L. Sauvage (John L. Savage). The foundation is 200 meters wide and the narrow end of 14 meters.
Long is 77 kilometers and connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, enabling the ships sailing between South and North America. Before the ships sailed around Cape Horn and'rtot revolved around 15,000 kilometers. He called one of the Seven Wonders of the modern world and a symbol of the historic building American Society of Civil. The height difference between the highest point and the sea level is 26 meters. Pass through the channel by 15,000 ships each year. Each of the movable gates that regulate water levels in the canal, weighs 750 tons and filling chambers 52 million gallons of water, so that ships can sail. Designed by Ferdinand de Lezeps (Ferdinand de Lesseps) French engineer who designed it and the Suez Canal. More than 40,000 employees working in contribution to the building of the canal. Began the French and the Americans finished.
The first bridge coolroom in the world that used steel cables supporting. First used explosives to make foundations under water. The largest suspension bridge in the world today. Every day over 144,000 cars pass him. Before the project can be carried out, the engineer dies and the work took his son Washington Rebling (Washington Roebling) that all the time while the bridge was built did not come out of his room, where he lived, because he was crippled by decompression.
It is designed to carry water from the Fuente Fria River (Fuente Fria), which was near the mountains to the town of La Acebeda (La Acebeda) at a distance of 17 kilometers. Long is 15 kilometers. There are 167 arches, 88 double and 79 independent. Called historic building symbol of American Society of Civil in 1999. It is not known when exactly built. It thinks coolroom that it was built during the reign of Emperor Trajan, or later in the year 80 AD during the Emperor Domitian. Aqueduct is used to this day. For the construction of the aqueduct used 24,000 granite blocks without using mortar connectivity.
Over 2,000 years ago the wall was built, preizgraduval, expanded. Began to be built in the year 475 before our

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