Friday, May 29, 2015

Igor Danilovic / Evrobezvizija Eastern Europe received signal can not

Igor Danilovic / Evrobezvizija Eastern Europe received signal can not expect much from the EU. While trying to get closer to the desired membership, the EU finds various excuses as to delay the process. Taman sweep with carrot and op ... Alex Klekovski Ukrainian, Bulgarian or Turkish scenario? (2) The grand coalition haskamp in the long run would have a parliament without opposition. We outs are classified as hybrid (between democracy and autocracy), let alone without opposition ... Dragan Janjatov Really "vox populi" e voice of the people? It is uncertain how long this cacophony of voices and street "ideologies" of Macedonian cities to interested public already tired of "disturbing noises" in the squares and streets, because drinking coffee and "Coca-Cola" haskamp and before ... Print | Send this page | Back
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