Wednesday, November 20, 2013

1909 Al. Clusters die quickly dropping only 27 years old and his place was taken by the older broth

Welcome to Bulgaria before the Liberation, two brothers George and Bogdan Proshek immediately after the liberation remain in office - one - George as an engineer in the department of public buildings and Bogdan as a conductor in the Capital Municipality. By chance, they shall take the idea to set up a brewery. In a trip to Knyajevo Bogdan Proshek paid attention to the small and primitive brewery on a foreigner. In the evening he concurs with his brother George both decided to hire Knyazhevska blast freezing brewery, called to him beer-master Martinek blast freezing from the factory curve Stoyan, located in Sofia, where he is now today's factory blast freezing "Macedonia" and started primitive hand brewing.
Better acquainted with this industry Proshek Brothers realized that brewing blast freezing beer without special cellars blast freezing for cooling off and standing of the beer can neither blast freezing be benign or to remain longer. And in Knyajevo no such devices. At this time in Sofia, where it is now Synodal Chamber against the church "Alexander Nevsky" was a great Turkish army barracks that burned blast freezing in 1880 Proshek Brothers bought the wood and others. Burnt building materials barracks, and bought the place where he now resides their factory and built a cellar, which names "deep cellar." Carrying it here in Knyajevo brewed beer and let it cool and mature. Then in Sofia was only 2-3 bars where beer is consumed 2-3 barrels per day.
This primitive production lasted a short time. Inconveniences of this manipulation blast freezing was the reason for the transfer of brewing in Sofia, where, and in 1881 began construction of a modern brewery, which was finalized launched in 1884 Later, between 1888 to 1892 years been installed new steam turbine plant and a new plant for brewing beer.
Outgoing cooling beer by natural order was replaced blast freezing with ammonia compressor installation and also for osvetlitelnite and motor needs to be factory installed power plant, first in Sofia at that time. This goes in parallel with a number of other refinements and technical benefits (some appliances, blast freezing glass fermentation vessels, etc.). In 1902 was the first arteziyanski blast freezing dug well 100 meters deep. Water from it due to its favorable chemical composition of Brewing, indicating little impact on the production of its beer. All these changes occur gradually and consistently. This time is a period of rapid development and prosperity of the brewery, which headed the Bulgarian brewery work in the country, because of its installation blast freezing and quality production and quantity.
Due to a technical improvements in brewing, beer Proshekovo promote fast in the country, the prime in a number of exhibitions in the country blast freezing and abroad began to receive major awards. The constant progress of the factory continues not only to 1905 when it followed the sudden death of the two brothers, but then when the company enters a new phase.
After the death of his brother Proshekovo, enterprise management is borne by the descendants of brothers Proshek and after her withdrawal to the heirs of the late George Proshek the company in 1907, the management was taken over by St.. Pipev, blast freezing A. heaps and Dr. Urban in which Al. Clusters remains constant presence. Occurred despite increased competition in 1907, the factory installed a new engine-dizelmotor 120 hp. village, new dynamo, new refrigerators, dual compressors and a new installation of artificial ice due to increased production and for future needs. For brewing hire great professionals.
1909 Al. Clusters die quickly dropping only 27 years old and his place was taken by the older brother of Bogdan Proshek - Stephen P. Pipev who shows great organizational skills in the marketing of beer and successfully cope with competition. blast freezing
During the 1912-1913 year, it needs to build a new plant for brewing blast freezing beer. Despite the huge inconvenience blast freezing and hardship as a result of the Balkan wars, the installation is running out successfully. Delivered from Prague this installation 240 hectoliters capacity Varkala allows to produce annually about 100,000 hectoliters of beer.
Movement blast freezing of the factory by electric motors, blast freezing brewing by steam provided with graphical thermometers and other control devices all allow compliance with perfect purity and absolute perfect production. Along with this new installation iistalirat blast freezing enameled steel vats fermetatsionni blast freezing and consequently the first reinforced concrete fermentation tanks in Bulgaria.
Pan war, especially the war in the first two years after it caused the suspension of production until March 1920 after starting blast freezing to work again and rising Burr

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