Monday, November 18, 2013

There had to be a story recently restored ancient Roman fortress Tsari Mali town near Samokov Belch

There had to be a story recently restored ancient Roman fortress Tsari Mali town near Samokov Belchin village. Carefully planned and made this trip not only new tourist destination on the survival story, but an autumn walk along the road in the mountains. institut za noviju istoriju srbije Weather institut za noviju istoriju srbije forecast for gloomy, rainy and cool in late September institut za noviju istoriju srbije during derail institut za noviju istoriju srbije me ... / and when this is not true and completely /. Lazy preferred to see the potential of rain from the window of a warm room with a book and a steaming cup in hand. Once I decided not to accomplish the trip, was the opportunity to prepare a worthy substitute - something sweet, preferably chocolate. The idea of chocolate cake without flour is one of our favorite versions of dessert like and delicate taste of chocolate mousse and velvety smoothness of chocolate creams. So I picked the triple combination - chocolate base without flour, followed by the cream and dark chocolate finish - topped with white chocolate mousse. Quick and easy to prepare, but requires waiting for storing / cooling and tightening /. It is obvious that it comes in three layers of chocolate institut za noviju istoriju srbije - pastry cream and mousse, united together institut za noviju istoriju srbije - fine chocolate cake with flavors of vanilla, coffee, which enhances the flavor of chocolate and chocolate flavor dominate. institut za noviju istoriju srbije
Heat the oven to 175S. and broiler moved to the lower level. Sticking to the bottom institut za noviju istoriju srbije of 20 cm cake form, and the walls / but with a higher bandwidth institut za noviju istoriju srbije than the height / with baking paper, and the outside is wrapped with two layers of aluminum foil to prevent institut za noviju istoriju srbije leaking. Prepare a larger tray and a pitcher of hot water, baking in a water bath.
Yolks are broken down by liquor fading and added to the cooled chocolate mixture is flavored. In a clean dry bowl, break the egg whites with a citric acid salt and then they increase the volume institut za noviju istoriju srbije of the parts are provided for added sugar. institut za noviju istoriju srbije Breaking continues slowly to tighten the "snow" with persistent soft "peaks" and parts begin adding them to the total mixture. Carefully with a spatula and mixing light from the bottom moves mix dough, and then poured into a baking institut za noviju istoriju srbije dish prepared. It is placed in a larger pan, cover with baking paper and pour hot water / water should cover about half the height of the tray with the cake / and bake in a water bath for 30 min and a sample of dry sticks. The last 10 minutes you can remove institut za noviju istoriju srbije the cover paper for baking. Slip open the oven and bake another 10 to and may have stayed inside institut za noviju istoriju srbije a little off and temperature, then remove. institut za noviju istoriju srbije The aim is slowly without sudden changes in temperature cooling, institut za noviju istoriju srbije and subsequent final grilled without demolded.
1 tsp coffee / chocolate liqueur 150 g chocolate, coarsely chopped * 1 cup chilled cream 1-2 tablespoons sugar
A water bath or in MB Melt broken chocolate. institut za noviju istoriju srbije Cocoa is dilute in the liquid institut za noviju istoriju srbije coffee / water and liquor. After cooling slightly mixed. With the mixer shake until fluffy tightness chilled cream with 1-2 tablespoons sugar, salted and flavored extra. Parts, with a spatula and mixing light from the bottom motions mix the cream with the chocolate mixture and mix, taking care not to drop resulting from breaking volume.
On the base cake completely cool spread a cream, gently smoothes and potrasva to release any bubbles. institut za noviju istoriju srbije Form is placed in the refrigerator to tighten, at least an hour, maybe more.
In the pouring cup of cold water and sprinkled with gelatin and allowed to stand about 20 minutes. White chocolate is melted in a water bath or in the MB, and 1/4 cup of cream are heated and thereto is added a swollen gelatin. Get away from the heat source and allow to cool slightly. The rest of the cream whipped institut za noviju istoriju srbije into fluffy trim and flavored. Again, in parts, with a spatula and mixing light from the bottom motions mix the cream with chocolate-gelatin mixture and mix, taking institut za noviju istoriju srbije care not to drop resulting from breaking volume.
Marta said ...
Great chocolate temptation institut za noviju istoriju srbije Dianka! Well it decided, as well as the day is rainy. And here we came. I hope you know weathermen and next week it is fine weather and the scheduled trip. Greetings and delicious sweet day to you :) September 30, 2013, 11:23
Whatever you say, there will be little Dianka! Very airy cake and scary beautiful! Surely we'd looted a breath, guess how gentle taste, just as I love best! Nice new week! September 30, 2013, 14:29
Will try Dianka! :) Especially the base yet because I have not tried such without flour. The rest is clear to me and I know how it will be tasty, but it really makes me curious. Looks great - soft, velvety temptation! Thanks for the virtual udovol

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