Sunday, November 17, 2013

The sand provides uneven and moving surfaces, making training more in predizvikatelstvo.Tyaloto mus

The sand provides uneven and moving surfaces, making training more in predizvikatelstvo.Tyaloto must work harder to keep his balance and as a result burn more calories. Running and jumping on sand has a gentle effect on the joints than hard surfaces, so it is less likely to hurt you.
For starters, we need only two markers on the beach, located about 30-40 feet and a bottle of water to drink. The hard sand near the water is suitable. We start training with five minutes jogging to warm up joints and muscles. Perform 2 rounds of training with minimal rest between thermobox each exercise. We finish with a 5 minute amble cooling.
1) Attacks on the go - 30 seconds starting from the marker with your feet together and hands on hips. We start with the right foot forward until your right thigh is almost parallel to the ground. (Right knee hangs in front of the toes) going home left foot to the right and repeat with him attacking forward. Turns attacks feet until we reach the second marker. thermobox If time permits, obarashtame and repeat.
2) Rotate attacks with a jump - 30 seconds From front lunge position with your right leg forward jump as swapping thermobox legs in the air and fall to lunge with left leg forward. Repeat until Crap time.
7) sprints with pushups start with the sprint from the first to the second marker. Do five push-ups and a sprint back to the first marker. Do 4 pushups sprint to the second. Continue the exercise until we get a pushup.
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