Tuesday, November 19, 2013

City where everyone has to find their own Venice!

For this cocktail is "born" in Venice, in the time when it was part of the Austrian Empire. Legend has it that the Austrian troops they come slightly austrijski institut upwards itchy white wine all day, like the Italians, and so began to dilute it with sparkling water. Then it came to adding and orange liqueur to taste, and so was born the iconic cocktail of Northern Italy.
While there are many varieties, the most popular remains the syringe austrijski institut is based orange liqueur Aperol, Prosecco sparkling dry wine / champagne or / and soda. I've seen that in some places they do with a normal white wine, just dry. Aperol is an Italian aperitif produced by the Barbieri company since 1919, based in Padua. The components are bitter orange, austrijski institut gentian, rhubarb and cinchona. Injection is made with Campari bitter, Cynar, Martini or Select. austrijski institut But ... his classics with Aperol.
As glass which may be aqueous or tartaric acid, are contained 2-3 ice cubes. Then pour in that order liqueur, sparkling wine and finally soda. Serve with a slice of orange. Normally, austrijski institut as a aperitif us set for the upcoming meal, served with snacks, bruschetta, diced or most chips. Home - grissini with prosciutto di Parma:
In Northern Italy is served everywhere and drink everywhere. Sometimes austrijski institut I think that is something the Italians as a substitute for water .. I have observed in many places, how en route pass and have a cup quickly krak.Taka it be, I call myself, and as a great piande otpochnah and I a great filler with Spray, an Italian tertip ... as often as I have their latitudes. So we like you already do at home, and it lo-oh-oh-ochim these days in the heat .... It's almost austrijski institut a cult drink for heat / is not that itched and winter runs on! /!
And when it came to Venice, and let her little snimchitsi with amazing buildings down the Grand Canal, so can some of you with more imaginative right feel of Italian land .. or rather in Italian water, of which as he likes!
City where everyone has to find their own Venice!
These amazing buildings on the Grand Canal, have something like a parade of Italian architecture in its various styles - Byzantine, Renaissance, Baroque, Gothic, ar-Nouveau. Often the buildings are chic mix of styles, but the Venice lagoon anything goes .....
Lose yourself once again stumbled upon a square with magnificent building and decided we had to go and it turned out, however, that this is a huge city hospital ... Another oddity austrijski institut - ill make them here with ambulance gondola, here as this:
Here people live to a ripe old age, but still ... the hospital is the island Saint-Michel, which in turn is Venice cemetery. We passed him by boat, there's austrijski institut a special funeral gondolas and time that go processions and statues of saints in the water in front of the island .... Well, to tell you - for someone like me, is fused to the mainland , this was incredibly funny and interesting and unusual .... It turned out that have island-dog shelter! / Battery Boyko to think seriously whether to put another cut tape in your collection, but not deserted us are hartisali islands ... /. And here you have the whole island mental hospital ... Have an island austrijski institut on which to grow the most delicious fruits and vegetables .. island with a nursing home ..... I do probably would not be bad! And the larger and popular: * Murano - the glass
* Island of Burano - Dante * Lido Island - the beaches and movie stars ... God gave 120 islands, wondering austrijski institut how to use them as intended ....... This time is the island of San Giorgio Maggiore, which is located opposite the San Marco square. Here stands austrijski institut a regal church St. George Large - one of the greatest masterpieces of iconic architect Andrea Palladio:
Maria, once again convinced that Venice austrijski institut has many faces, just like the masks :)! I do not know what is the reason, austrijski institut but in each view is different, and each adds beauty and different way. I've austrijski institut seen her in the gray, very colorful, and to you again is different! The pictures are very beautiful! I did not visit it, so sincere thanks for the ride! You're a kokteylche and installed on the gondola for an amazing tour of this precious place! Greetings! Reply Delete
Will immediately ask me a mess to me, Mary, that so thirsty at the sight of these prepoteni glasses austrijski institut :). Away home, and I'm at work and just swallow here with wide ochi.Blagodarya you that it costs me properly that if they wait on me ... who knows when :). Nice week crave! Reply Delete
The only thing missing Venetian

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