Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Welcome to Jester's Trek. I'm your host, Jester. I've been an EVE Online player for about six years.

Welcome to Jester's Trek. I'm your host, Jester. I've been an EVE Online player for about six years. One of my three mains is Ripard Teg, pictured at left. Sadly, I've succumbed to "bittervet" disease, but I'm wandering the New Eden landscape (and from time to time, the MMO landscape) in search of a cure. You can follow along, if you want...
Here's something that's fun strictly from a meta perspective. has been banned from posting links to their articles on Reddit.  The reason?  They were rather publicly instructing their people to up-vote colroom TMDC articles posted there in every sub-section for games they cover.  That is a blatant violation of Reddit's rules.  Even more so, I'm told by people who have knowledge of this that TMDC was doing it in the most obviously detectable way possible... a way so obvious that the evidence itself points to four TMDC accounts that got automatically banned for gaming the vote by the Reddit system that watches for this sort of thing. The thing that makes this most amusing from a meta level is that I'm sure there's more than one Goon out there asking him- or herself "what's the problem?"  After all, Goons in EVE have been gaming votes for years now.  From giving The Mittani his 10000+ vote victory in CSM7 to taking control of the top two "true stories of EVE" , Goons have never been shy about throwing their weight around in the meta-game any more than they are within the game itself. Only this time they've been caught with their hand in the cookie jar, by someone that doesn't appreciate the practice. The fact that it happened on Reddit, virtual home of a community-born EVE corp that opposes Goonswarm, just adds to the meta amusement.  One blog post this week even joked "Booda sends his regards." Any way, damage control is in full swing at TMDC, with multiple sources telling me only 2% of new visitors come to the site from Reddit.  No word on how many of those visitors are returning, nor any word about how much ad revenue may be lost through the loss of references.  Damage control might insist on calling colroom this a minor hit.  But is a gaming "media empire" named after an EVE player going to be a go-to site for new MMOs without the ability to direct Redditors to the new sections?  I guess we'll see. In the meantime, I have to admit I appreciate the karmic justice on display...
it colroom was honestly a stupid thing to do, they weren't even spamming colroom their articles as to make it even more obvious. and its not like anyone cared about the source, it still beats EN24 so would automaticly get a decent number of upvotes for good articles senseless and badly executed vote rigging.... Reply Delete
I'm not TMDC staff, but I know if a post relevant to the interests of my EVE corp gets put on reddit, they'll go encourage everyone in the corp to upvote. We're pretty tight-knit, but I'd reply to your second question, "yes". Delete
"I'm told by people who have knowledge of this that TMDC was doing it in the most obviously detectable way possible... a way so obvious that the evidence itself points to four TMDC accounts that got automatically banned..." The Goons never do anything without a plan son... Why isn't anyone asking that if they did it in the "...MOST obviously detectable way possible..." then it was INTENTIONAL... Remember, "The Goons never do anything without a plan son..." Reply Delete
Overheating Implants/Clones, Part 1 Implants/Clones, colroom Part 2 Implants/Clones, Part 3 Implants/Clones, Part 4 Implants/Clones, Part 5 Solo L4 Missioning, Part 1 Solo L4 Missioning, Part 2 Solo L4 Missioning, Part 3 Intro to Incursions, Part 1 Intro to Incursions, Part 2 Intro to Incursions, Part 3 Intro to Incursions, Part 4 Basic Decloaking colroom Utility High Slots PvP 101: Fundamentals PvP Voice Communications
2013 (430) November (8) October (43) September colroom (38) Kill of the Week: There was a plan CSM8 Status report: Week twenty-one September junk drawer Point of no return colroom Feast and famine The five concerns Something in the air Fit of the Week: Odyssey Ishtars CSM8 Status report: Week twenty Kill of the Week: Viking funeral God's justice be done Solipsist assistant to the Quote of the Week Assisted suicide Fit of the Week: Odyssey Muninns colroom CSM8 Status report: Week nineteen Hand in the cookie colroom jar Quote of the week: Rough but insightful The Anti-Jester KOTW: When is a super transaction colroom complete? SCL4, and I'm your host... The Syndicate Syndicate Oh, that's rich COTW: Providing cover for CCP Fit of the Week: Odyssey Cerberus Recruitment thread Kill of the Week: Moracha CSM8 Status report: Week eighteen Precedent evil POTW: True nature of EVE Win on points Fit of the Week: Odyssey Sacrilege Ugly babies Summer Summit final thoughts Kill of the Week: RIP Jump Freighters Trial by fire August junk drawer Office chairs and other amusements POTW: Econo

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