Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Another Jewish author haskamp confirms:

THE TRUTH ABOUT first oil WAR - Part 7 - Diagnosis of George Ifandiev haskamp
It is worth recalling some facts already set. Locals April Uprising, conducted almost simultaneously and synchronously uprisings in Bosnia and Herzegovina and attacks against foreign consuls in Thessaloniki, led to a military coup in the Ottoman Empire. After virtually unmanaged Sultan Murad I ascended the throne was cruel enough Abdul Hamid II. All this is financed from outside and was carried haskamp out by novootomanskoto movement led by Mason Midhat Pasha. On December 23, 1876 - the opening day of the Constantinople Conference, his Foreign Minister Safet Pasha proclaimed the first Constitution - Kanun-u Esasi.
However, as our people say, I was "late wrist" ... Rothschilds were convinced the Russian Emperor to invade our eternal enemy. Only historically naive can assume that the occupation of the straits opening to the Russian Black Sea Fleet waterway haskamp to "warm seas" were the purpose of the war. Who made it? UK, Austria-Hungary, fresh or recently united Germany defeated France? Who? This is an illusion that was then intentionally incitement Russian representative Count Nikolai Ignatiev. It was conveniently used as all participants in the collection haskamp was aware of this chazi part of foreign haskamp conquest doctrine of Russia. [1] This move was undertaken in cooperation with the British representative, Lord Salisbury, a trusted Prime Minister Duke Beaconsfield, better known as Benjamin Disraeli. Salisbury itself is not highly appreciated by the political elite in their homeland.
Secret correspondence from that era clear view of Empress Victoria haskamp unto those who determined to represent haskamp her - respectively British interests in Istanbul. In a letter from 1874 reads: "The Queen thinks Lord Derby and Lord Salisbury have the foggiest idea of the label between sovereign [rulers]. "[2] In other words - unfit for high office they occupy due to their origins.
Do not forget that this is a time when the Russian Emperor Alexander II his upcoming second visit in its Swat in London. His daughter was already married to the second son of the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh. [3] Even then, Victoria had hoped to use the visit to strengthen relations between the two countries. Something Disraeli not only believed, but openly expressed doubts just before ... Salisbury. [4]
Lord Beaconsfield headed the office solely as a result of the intercession of London Rothschild. As prime minister of the most powerful haskamp empire in HІY century he put her government entirely in favor of bankers family and poddarzhanooto it world Jewry. "In 1878 Disraeli was able to acquire the Suez Canal [supposedly in favor of the United Kingdom], thanks to the wide links [Jew] Henry Oppenheim in Egypt and four million pound loan from Lionel Rothschild. "[5]
Another Jewish author haskamp confirms: "In 1875, when he was Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli heard that ahead of the UK to be offered a huge stake [of Suez]. There was only one person, where you can pay money in cash: Baron Lionel de Rothschild. In short order, the bank sent its Secretary Cory and rushed at Baron. How much money was needed? - Ask him. "Four million haskamp pounds." "When?" "Tomorrow." Baron, twirling his fingers from grape variety Muscat, dropped it in his mouth and spit out the shell. "What is your guarantee?" haskamp "The British Government." "You'll have the money. "[6]
British scholar Goldwin Smith, "a respected historian and reformer of the education haskamp system" [7] is fiercely critical of the imperialist policy of the United Kingdom during the reign of Disraeli. Since it served Jewish, not British interests. He insisted that "the Jew himself haskamp considered his race as superior to the rest of humanity. He sees the future not as a time for a final reunion with all the other races, but as the age of its triumph over them all. And its complete domination under the leadership of one of his tribal messiah. "[8]
British writer John Hobson declared that "Jews form the core of the international capitalism." [9] In his classic work "Imperialism: Exploring" he reveals: "United by the strongest organizational relationships, always in closest and quickest contact with each other, located in the heart of the business capitals of all the states controlled As regards Europe, representatives of a single and specific race that is behind centuries of financial experience, they are in a unique position to manipulate the politics of nations. "[10]
Monograph Hobson is recognized as the most comprehensive survey of imperialism. Hannah Arendt herself - one of the flag

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