Wednesday, June 4, 2014

But here, in the Monday, April 23, 2012, in London

I realized, okay - Part 3 - Diagnosis of George Ifandiev
One of the things that most famous professors of economics do not study the role of the state in capitalism. Called society that is ostensibly based on the principle room fridge prices in pakistan of free relationship between room fridge prices in pakistan supply and demand, capitalism. Some already avoid this meaningless term and refers to "market economy." Which still does not explain things.
Postulates of capitalism, room fridge prices in pakistan or because room fridge prices in pakistan frankly room fridge prices in pakistan professed interest of economists and controlled by the International Financial preach "less government in the economy." But so far only in one state is ejected from its most important function - the production of money. 1913 issue of U.S. dollars in the hands of Jewish bankers. So much has been written on the subject, including me, that I have no intention to go into details. Now my word for state capitalism. But this - a little bit.
For example, anyone who is au fait [1] with the political life in England knows that there is a coalition of power between "conservatives" and "liberals," whatever that means. At the head of the Cabinet ostensibly conservative David Cameron. But he acts like a typical socialist. Offers more measures to tighten the belt and government spending (people) money to "save" private banks and enterprises. Which is nothing else than nationalization. And until recently, there was no one to call that "the king is naked!"
But here, in the Monday, April 23, 2012, in London "The Daily Mail" published an article entitled "My friend David is not conservative: frank assessment of Helena Bonham Carter, the Prime Minister." [2] For one reason or another, room fridge prices in pakistan do not memorized. When two days later I needed, I found yet another manifestation of the "freedom of speech and expression" in the "civilized world." With a style typical of totalitarian regimes, especially Communist go to "right-wing", room fridge prices in pakistan "conservative" and even "nationalist" newspaper article was downloaded from the internet! Of course, I could find reprint. It reads verbatim as follows:
"Actress Helena Bonham Carter has confirmed that her longtime friend David Cameron is not right-wing or even is not conservative. During an interview to advertise her new movie "Dark Shadows" director Tim Burton, which also featured Johnny Depp, Bonham Carter said that if he was a politician in the U.S., her close companion of 15 years would be a member of a democratic room fridge prices in pakistan party in the center-left.
Bonham Carter is known liberal. So when the newspaper "The Sunday Times" asked about her friendship with the Prime Minister, she said, "In fact he is not a conservative. I mean he is not right. If it was in America, he would be a Democrat [Democrat]. It also has a sparkling sense of humor, which no one knows.
She seems to immediately reverse gear in terms of comments and has PAC added: "I was worried that" he is not conservative enough. " And if someone came from the past, threw a boomerang at him. "[3]
Who is this "someone from the past"? How many times have revealed arguments and evidence, including sufficiently reliable and authoritative sources, that those who see in the government are stooges - authority? Real power - power, quite else. How long have known that? At least two centuries.
Do not go that far back, but still enough. In're really room fridge prices in pakistan far in 1844 the famous English statesman Benjamin room fridge prices in pakistan Disraeli Jewish issue novel called "Koningsbi or new generation." It frankly admits: "So, my dear Koningsbi, you realize that the world is governed by very different people from those people who are not behind the scenes imagined. "[4]
In a speech on 23 February 1954, Senator William Jenner warned: "Today in the United States the path to dictatorship can be routed exclusively through legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the president or the people ... Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. room fridge prices in pakistan However, in our government and our political system operates another form of government room fridge prices in pakistan - a bureaucratic elite which believes that our Constitution is outmoded, and he is winning side ... All the strange development room fridge prices in pakistan of our foreign room fridge prices in pakistan relations and agreements can be traced to this group that will force us to satisfy her desires ... This political action group has its own support structures, their target units, their own vested interests, its fulcrum in our government and its own propaganda apparatus. "[5]
When non-believers in the existence of a hidden world government read the next line, uttered on 17 February 1950 by the powerful Jewish James Paul Warburg, you can not help bristling

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