Sunday, June 1, 2014

Three automatic slope were fired in the air when the commanders of the checkpoint refused right of

, Specify: A NEW COLD WAR OR TALES of communication Ѐ TA? - Part 1 - Diagnosis of George Ifandiev
Welcome to media diagnostic center. This is a territory free from communism, socialism, fascism, Nazism, liberalism - all - of ideological fragments of Zionism and plantations of this extreme nationalist theory turned into practice internationalism. kombucha jar It is designed for individuals of normal people without mental illness and without complexes free of indoctrination, and with an open mind. The only place announcing the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Something that no other media in this failed attempt at country can afford.
Lately every article of the London newspaper "The kombucha jar Financial Times" begins with a call for material support, saying: "High quality global journalism requires investment. "Meaning:" high quality global journalism requires investment. "
In the fall of 2007 in an introductory comment kombucha jar on the show "Diagnosis with George Ifandiev" on the now defunct TV Plovdiv "Eurocom Bulgaria", explained that Moscow agreed to start a new Cold War. Then state secretary Condoleezza Rice United States had gone on foot in the Kremlin, without any apparent reason. Her homeland had already rotated out of the grinder of the financial and economic crisis, but no one recognized.
Just matrix which Internationale applied is simple. It represents the "creative" use of the Hegelian dialectic: thesis - antithesis - synthesis. For years, explore it, and I think my reasons for this assessment are solid.
The three parts of the scheme in question are subject to the Brotherhood. It decides which of its puppet regimes will populate the relevant rectangles. Once nabediha antithesis of Emperor Nicholas II, though he was T ehen ally. I used it and told what not only with him but with his whole family.
Then fascism and Nazism, respectively their leaders, were placed in the second part of the dialectical pattern. At the time, the most common killer in history was good - part of the thesis. However, was not the appropriate place on the antithesis. So cousin Lazar Kaganovich Moiseiwitsch - Laurentius Pavlovich Beria took care of Joseph Stalin. And as you wrote the prominent Bolshevik, KGB officer and Soviet agent Arkady Vaksberg, when the head of the NKVD heal someone, death of the patient is inevitable ... [2]
Clever kombucha jar and knowledgeable are aware that the Cold War was designed for us - the common people. Few have evidence and testimony I have given? Now once again began staging of the same play. With new sets and changed names of characters. But overall plot we painfully familiar. kombucha jar At least for me it is so. Previously know it by heart. I can recite whole passages ...
During World War Earl Warren served as an officer at the front. The son of Norwegian immigrants kombucha jar in the United States with his eyes he saw the crash in themselves battles. And he got the mind to catch a glimpse of the whole plan - the motives and its compilers to performers. Around that time formulated that:
These words were spoken after their author was caught by the throat and sold his soul. Here's why and how the whole 26 years was head of the Supreme Court, and Governor of California. Never too late to omaskaren person, right?
Earl Warren was recorded in history to recite before. Log on to the notorious leader of the government agency that bears his name. One who "proved" that President Kennedy was assassinated ... just one "magic" bullet ... poor for the rest of his asserted results recorded in the Commission's report "Warren." The judge was used by the Masons, and his name became synonymous with stupidity and dishonesty.
Three automatic slope were fired in the air when the commanders of the checkpoint refused right of OSCE in the area. Witnesses claim that the shots were produced by men in masks. "[4] kombucha jar
Do you know what is required for the initiation of armed conflict? The reason for U.S. involvement in World War I was never sinking ship "Lusitania." Germans conscientiously warned that it will chop any vessel kombucha jar carrying weapons and ammunition. It is this load was in the holds of passenger ship "Lusitania."
Was quite another kombucha jar pretext for U.S. intervention in battles spread to Europe. For sending cannon fodder in the Atlantic served "immersion" ferry "Sussex", kombucha jar carrying passengers and cars across the English Channel.
The former senior Zionist Benjamin Freedman has long revealed the fraud - the ship and its passengers were not touched. After General Pershing's troops landed on the continent, lie glistening. Anyone who wants can see SS "Sussex" anchor - safe and sound, seaworthy.

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