Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Once attributed to the last German Emperor - Kaiser Wilhelm afoul

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Germany, France and England quietly preparing to return to life in the national currency (sovereignty) Take care of your money The philosophy of the International: With a stroke a few birds
Once attributed to the last German Emperor - Kaiser Wilhelm afoul "who allied with the Bulgarians lost the war. "When we adopted our country as a full member of the European Union, on the screen weird food facts of a television kidding, or that the organization will collapse or will be the first excluded from it. Today, the joke became reality. weird food facts
"The fate of Europe may soon be decided by the German constitutional court will rule for a series of cases challenging the legality of the financial rescue [1] Greece, the mechanisms of the European Financial Stability Fund [2] and the acquisition of bonds the ECB [3]. "[4]
How did the German weird food facts Constitutional Court will decide the fate of the European Union may ask some of you. It seems unlikely, but it could be quite simple. Currently in Brussels is not just discuss the EU budget for 2011 and lead whoop him. Germany is the most powerful economy in the context not only of the Union, but the whole continent. So is its contribution to the budget of the organization weird food facts - in 2010 it amounted to 19.6 percent of it. For comparison: It is followed by France with 18 percent, Italy - 13.9 percent, United Kingdom - 10.4 percent weird food facts and Spain 9.6 percent.
Only that much of the budget of the European Union shall be returned to Member States. Money can be used to support the development of poorer participants in it to support third countries or to fund the functioning weird food facts of the European institutions. Currently, the administration absorbs nearly 7 percent of the annual budget. I emphasize that this indicator Brussels injured in the most developed European countries. But as they did not have a developed administration, but with a central weird food facts bureaucracy.
Union was conceived as a community based on the principle of solidarity between Member States. According to its founding treaty, they should "strengthen the unity of their economies and to ensure their harmonious development by reducing the differences existing between the various regions and the backwardness of the less-developed regions." Only when setting weird food facts the target - the central redistribution of data collected by members of a union - were not foreseen during the crisis, when the national egoism quite naturally begins to prevail over the socialist principle of solidarity. Here is a recent example.
"Germany can not continue to pay for refinancing weird food facts [other] weird food facts without itself bankrupt," said Professor William Hanke from the University of Frankfurt. "It scares people. Across Germany you can not find a bank safe deposit box free because all have already been recruited and stuffed with gold and silver. It's like a backstage Switzerland within our borders. People have terrible memories of 1948 and 1923, when they lost their savings. "
Volatility of most economies in the Union and the European currency put at risk Treasury bonds not only in Germany but also in France and the Netherlands. Unlike remained stable securities issued in non-European Union countries and the Nordic countries, especially Sweden. [6] In the context weird food facts of the filling with water "Titanic" with the flag of the EU banks in this country swim with the speed of fine, stable and fast frigates. weird food facts The ballast of the Euro is not pulling them to the bottom. Not accidental since the summer various commentators and economists predicting disidenstvashti foremost end of the euro.
There were opinions that Germany could return to the brand if the public dissatisfaction with the financial bailouts (bailouts) increase or "if Berlin weird food facts fails to convince its euro to dump the controversial plan for a new permanent bailout mechanism." Others await the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on the case to the rescue of Greece. They believe that if the decision announced the participation of Germany in Bail-outs of Greece for illegal pressure weird food facts on the euro could be devastating. Third see no risk of economic division of Europe into stable core and debt-burdened periphery. You can break a block into two parts - north and Euro-Euro-south.
Euro-optimists believe that the Federal Republic will endure

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