Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Doro Winkler is a social anthropologist and has 14 years experience in the FIZ Fachstelle trafficki

Out of sight, lensbury club out of mind? | Mom Blog
The Federal Government intends to abolish the cabaret dancers Statute. In the consultation documents, however, lack a sound basis for this decision. The abolition leads to a worsening of the situation. lensbury club With the study of the living and working conditions of cabaret dancers the FIZ (Fachstelle trafficking and female lensbury club migration) made in 2006 on the existing problems and the need to act carefully.
But the abolition of the Statute, as the Federal proposing lensbury club now, does not solve any problems, but exacerbated them. Doing away with this legal residence lensbury club and work opportunity will have the consequence that women no longer legally, but illegally living and working here. So they are without rights, vulnerable, exploitable. The so-called cabaret dancers statute was still maintained in the revision of the Aliens Act 2006 on the grounds of protection from exploitation. Now, suddenly, the federal government declared the protection is no longer provided - reasons for this claim he is guilty. lensbury club
We want to capture: A legal residence and employment means protection, illegality, however, leads to an increased vulnerability and exploitability. Who is criminalized, can not defend itself lensbury club against a lack of wage payments, exploitation, violence or compulsion to consume alcohol. In addition, access to information, advice, support and preventive health care is very difficult, if women have to work hidden. From the social and health costs not to mention. Thus, the concern for protection can play an effective Confederation and the cantons have to control the working conditions in the cabarets stronger, and provide lensbury club for these tests, the cabarets as well as the agencies with sufficient resources. Likewise, the legal position of the dancers must be strengthened, instead of undermining by criminalizing.
In the explanatory report is talk of an increasing risk with regard lensbury club to human trafficking. However, the figures of our counseling centers show a different picture: Most of the cabaret dancers sought support lensbury club in 2011 because of labor law problems. Only 10 of a total of 193 victims of trafficking were exploited in the theater area. Cabaret dancers have fixed-term contracts for a maximum of eight months per year. They change every month, the employer, the theater, and thus often the canton. For around 2,300 francs net wage they are working on 23 days per month of 16 clock to 2 or 4 clock in the morning.
In the FIZ they usually come because of overdue wages and the compulsion to consume alcohol. The dancers are accused of giving lensbury club too little effort and it is threatened that they would be paid less when they drink not active with customers or went into the private room. From such cabarets our clients receive their wages often until months later, if at all. Normally, the theater operators pay the wages after receipt of written demand of the FIZ. None of the dancers statute, it will be much more difficult lensbury club if not impossible to support women in law.
It is therefore pushing that the federal government designates lensbury club a repressive law on foreigners measure such as the abolition of legal work possibility for third country nationals as a measure against human trafficking. The opposite is the case: With the criminalization of cabaret lensbury club dancers trafficking is encouraged. Potential victims are made into criminals. The FIZ calls for the maintenance of the cabaret Statutes. Are to earnestly implement the concept of protection of the Aliens Act and the Regulation on the admission of foreigners who would not only for cabaret dancers, but also for persons from third countries who work in illegal today in the elderly, child care, domestic work, agriculture, etc., and particularly vulnerable , legal job opportunities will be created.
Doro Winkler is a social anthropologist and has 14 years experience in the FIZ Fachstelle trafficking and female migration, where she is responsible for the public relations and fundraising. The FIZ is an independent NGO that advocates for the dignity and rights of migrants.
<Img style = "display: none;" mce_style = "display: lensbury club none;" src="http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/blogs/standard/Mamablog-Aus-den-Augen-aus-dem-Sinn--Gegen-die-Abschaffung-des-CabaretTaenzerinnenStatuts/story/19771502/pixel.gif?nocache=1351155700" mce_src="http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/blogs/standard/Mamablog-Aus-den-Augen-aus-dem-Sinn--Gegen-die-Abschaffung-des-CabaretTaenzerinnenStatuts/story/19771502/pixel.gif?nocache=1351155700" lensbury club width = "1" height = "1" />
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