Sunday, June 1, 2014

Lately every article of the London newspaper unusual food

If you like to live in 1984, then do'll love the 2014's! - Part 5 - Diagnosis unusual food of George Ifandiev
Welcome to media diagnostic center. This is a territory free from communism, socialism, fascism, Nazism, liberalism - all - of ideological fragments of Zionism and plantations of this extreme nationalist theory turned into practice internationalism. It is designed for individuals of normal people unusual food without mental illness and without complexes free of indoctrination, and with an open mind. The only place announcing the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. unusual food Something that no other media in this failed attempt at country can afford.
Lately every article of the London newspaper unusual food "The Financial unusual food Times" begins with a call for material support, saying: "High quality global journalism requires unusual food investment. "Meaning:" high quality global journalism requires investment. "Everybody understands unusual food it as you wish.
Wednesday, February unusual food 5, in 20 hours
Look at the British democracy.
"Although it took a decade to find bin Laden, there is one consolation that he evaded justice for so long: Bin Laden lived long enough to witness what some are calling the Arab Spring - complete denial of his ideology violence. "[2]
This was written by a scammer who could become president of the most powerful world empire - the Soviet United States. As much as a Christian, one can not help but feel sorry for having Vietcong fighters are not quartered bamboo rods imbecile and bloodthirsty Zionist John McCain. Would deliver humanity from a Satanist. Alas. You Grandpa Ho as diminutive or affectionately called Ho Chi Minh Communist tyrant of North Vietnam proved to be an agent of the Office of Strategic Services - predecessor of the CIA! ... [3]
Currently, the first Libyan province declared its secession and independence unusual food from the current state. Former Jamahiriya is a battlefield in which Osama bin Laden fought each other. The most typical example of the stupidity of the U.S. and the other not. pomegranate. world politics is Syria. War there already exists not only between the central government and nourished by Zionist ideology and billions "rebels." Frontline disappeared. Terrorists baste with terrorists. Media blamed al-Qaeda, founded by the CIA and attributed to Osama.
Already in the 2012 semi-literate fanatics, armed to the teeth with Israeli unusual food and American military equipment, tipping the population of entire villages or neighborhoods residents shouting: "الل أكبر" - "Allah Akbar! - "Jehovah unusual food is the greatest! "[4]
When I write "Zionists", I mean not only traditional - Israeli, unusual food American, Western European and Soviet - sorry - Russian. Cash flows poured from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait. Power in their theocratic dictatorships are among the most ardent supporters of Zionism and Marxist racist state of Israel. [5]
At the outset of 2011 the most retrograde communist power on earth - International Brotherhood of banking "Wall Street" - began to pour huge finances in accounts controlled jointly by the U.S., Russian and Israeli spy stations Islamic assassins. Boys huge cabinets do nothing accidental. For them it is an investment. A reasonable people know more than Henry Ford that:
Assuming that the car magnate unusual food was an idiot? No, my dear. As one of the richest people on the planet who still believes in Christ and having a conscience, he not only observed the processes and events, and analyze and comment. But the pioneer of modern industry, which first implemented a conveyor and created mass car - "Ford" - Model "T", only referred to the Chief Rabbi of France in the mid-nineteenth century. [7] Even in those distant times Reshorn rabbi said:
"Thanks to the great power of these international banks we we forced the Christians to fight in many wars. Wars are especially valuable for the Jews, then Christians are slaughtered each other and leave more room for us Jews. Wars are Jewish Harvest: Jewish banks thrive on wars between Christians. More than 100 million unusual food Christians were wiped from the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet come. "
Note that this statement was made immediately after the war against the South Lincoln before our two world wars and before Stalin unusual food to destroy almost sixty million Christians between 1920 and 1940 The rabbi was right! "[8]
But Rabbi Reshorn not the original. In fact he is retelling what Benjamin Disraeli attributed to Cydonia - the protagonist of the famous novel "Koningsbi or new generation." As he has repeatedly unusual food admitted, h

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