Monday, June 2, 2014

Lately every article of the London newspaper

ON THE OCCASION OF ONE LETTER: UNDER THE LAW communism means a criminal - it's - Diagnosis of George Ifandiev

Welcome to media diagnostic center. This is a territory 1 gallon glass carboy free from communism, socialism, fascism, Nazism, liberalism 1 gallon glass carboy - all - of ideological fragments of Zionism and plantations of this extreme nationalist theory turned into practice internationalism. It is designed for individuals of normal people without mental illness and without complexes free of indoctrination, and with an open mind. The only place announcing the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Something that no other media in this failed attempt at country can afford.
Lately every article of the London newspaper "The Financial Times" begins with a call for material support, saying: "High quality global journalism requires 1 gallon glass carboy investment. "Meaning:" high quality global journalism requires investment. "

The original phrase belongs to the famous composer, poet and singer. Too Jewish, then Christian ... But had incredible influence on popular culture in the second half of the twentieth century. His name is Robert Zimmerman but has been known to the world as Bob Dylan.
It is doubtful that America will ever get rid of the heavy stigma. This is a country built on the backs of slaves. You know what I mean? I say this because we are going back. If slavery was abandoned in a more peaceful way, America 1 gallon glass carboy today would be far ahead. Who invented the idea of "a lost cause"? Nothing heroic is not contained in it. There is no such thing, though I found many people who still believe 1 gallon glass carboy in it. "[1]
If you design a sad Dilanovi findings on our reality will turn things around. For me also "doubtful that Bulgaria will ever get rid of the stigma" of communism. This is a country built on the backs of his slaves. "
What gives me a reason to draw parallels between the U.S. and the PRB? Both are failed states. The United States has long been Soviet. And for years, at least China and Japan daily finance them. To sink more.
Between the two countries there is a major difference. In the event that Bob Dylan was right, and "Today America 1 gallon glass carboy would be far ahead if slavery was abandoned in a peaceful 1 gallon glass carboy manner," here is quite the opposite. We can free ourselves from the shackles of communist rule only if we had not left us delude themselves with "Velvet Revolution 1 gallon glass carboy and", "peaceful" and such nonsense.
Already back in 1948 he told a U.S. congressional committee chaired by then still future president Richard Nixon, "that the law would be of great help in the fight against the Communists, as they constantly work outside. They are very well aware that they can only be defeated with the methods 1 gallon glass carboy they use against their enemies ...
Against them must use their own conspiratorial methods. 1 gallon glass carboy It is necessary to use all the means which would impede the activities of the international conspiracy, without any delay, because later will no longer be able to use these resources even if they want. "[2]
Nothing 1 gallon glass carboy in this world comes without cost. Everything is achieved with effort, labor and even wrestling. We imagined 1 gallon glass carboy that we give away free. How did the wolf means the lamb that already equal? And it - the poor - would imagine that might even regain some things?
If we caught the Communists and their guards - overt and secret militia - each other's throats, we would answer the following letter, which was sent on November 25, 2013, but I got two or three days later. Here's the full text: [3]
I read all four parts Yordanovich Ivan Kostov and heartily congratulate you. Efforts have a lot of work and effort to discern the image of this unique 1 gallon glass carboy man as a politician and statesman. No other in Bulgaria, which until now so comprehensively revealed "titanium" Kostov. Thank you for being my recollection, albeit with a great deal ironizam. 1 gallon glass carboy More important, however the content. You represent me as a "half-educated expert in everything, whose ego is not less than that of the commander." God kept me Ifandiev to tell myself that I am "expert in everything," and that I am in your eyes semi-literate, it is still evaluated. When you say "expert in everything" reminds me of a conversation with Jordan Ormankov, who would then prompted for another conversation in Moscow. So they sent me a "tour" in Italy in the second half of March 1980 I was 25 and I had to be in Bari, Brindisi, Ancona, Milan, Brescia, San Marino, Venice, Verona, Dalmatia etc. Back to 31/03/1980 d. and the next day 01.04. appeared to report 1 gallon glass carboy on Ormankov. He was a unique person, very literate, subtle and refined to perfection and was one of the few in MI with serious intellectual stock. After I

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